Cold Press - What it is and How to Make It

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Cold Press - What it is and How to Make It

What Is It

Cold Press Coffee (AKA Cold Brew) is coffee that is brewed with cold water instead of hot water.

What it is NOT

Cold Press Coffee is not just regularly brewed coffee that has gotten cold. 

What Makes It Different

The ingredients for making Cold Press Coffee are the same as making regular coffee: Coffee & Water.  Where Cold Press deviates from hot coffee is that #1 you use cold water and #2 the coffee is in the water for a long time.  Using cold water in the brewing process results in a completely different taste.  This is because certain flavors in the coffee are only dissolvable in hot water; so when brewed with cold water, those flavors are not transferred into the liquid.  Why is the coffee brewed for a really long time… basically because you wouldn’t like it if it wasn’t J.

What does it taste like?

Remember the part about certain flavors not being dissolvable in hot water?  One of those flavors is what gives coffee that bitter taste.  Staple flavors of Cold Press is a smooth taste with chocolaty flavors and no bitterness. 

How is it Made

Making Cold Brew coffee is insanely easy.  As with everything, there multiple ways to accomplish making cold brew coffee.  At a minimum all you need are Coffee, Water, Container & a way to filter out the coffee.  The last piece is the most difficult part, but if you can figure that out, you’ll be enjoying Cold Press in no time.  If you are interested in stepping up your cold coffee game, we use the Toddy Cold Brew Coffee System.  If you are interested, checkout the link below.


Here is the recipe we use for our Cold Press Coffee:


1.     Cold Press Blend Coffee (Available online)

2.     Water


In a large container, combine the coffee with water using the following ratio 3 quarts of water to every 1 pound of coffee.  Cover your container to make sure no unwanted things get into your brew.  Let the coffee brew for 12 to 24 hours depending on your desired strength.  We let ours brew for 18 hours.  Once brewing is complete, separate the grounds from the cold brew. 

***IMPORTANT*** The resulting cold brew will be a concentrate.  If you drink this straight you will be up for a minimum of 3 days straight.  You have been warned! 

Before you enjoy your cold brew, you will want to dilute the coffee concentrate with equal parts water or milk (or whatever else you think sounds good).  Then just pour on ice and enjoy!  The cold brew will stay good in your fridge for 2 to 3 weeks, but trust me, it will be long gone before then.

Other Tidbits:

1.     Cold Brew coffee has less acid; so if your stomach doesn’t like acid, it will like Cold Press

2.     Try heating Cold Press for a hot coffee substitute



Clay & Eric

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7 Benefits to Having a Coffee Subscription (Guest Post)


7 Benefits to Having a Coffee Subscription (Guest Post)

The following is a guest post from Arvis Renckulbergs from - If you are interested in providing a guest, post, please let us know.

7 Benefits to Having a Coffee Subscription

By way of introduction, Emma is a superhero in a parallel universe whose elixir is a cup of coffee daily. Unlike other superhuman stories where the hero never likes their elixir, Emma does. She starts her day with a cup of Joe and wouldn’t miss the opportunity to retire with another cup. 

Life’s all good for Emma until she wakes up one morning to reach out to her elixir, only to find out that she is out of coffee beans. She flew down to each grocery store close by, but they were either closed or did not have the exact beans to make her elixir. As expected, Emma lost her powers. 

Our advice, do not be like Emma. How do you do that? Setup a coffee beans subscription. Below are the reasons why you should choose a coffee beans subscription. 

#1 Freshness 

Every coffee drinker knows how unpleasing stale coffee beans taste when brewed. You may not have a problem with going to a grocery store weekly to pick a coffee bag, but that coffee you select may have been there for months. 

Roasted coffee releases carbon dioxide with the bean’s freshness after the roast. This release will continue until you brew the beans (Vacuum-sealed coffees, like those available in stores, might reduce the speed at which the coffee gets stale but not eradicate it).

Your best bet is to choose a coffee beans subscription from producers that brew upon order. With that, you will get the freshest beans delivered to you at any schedule you pick.

#2 Delivery

We can easily say that you don’t like the stress of driving or walking down the grocery store to pick a bag of coffee; so, setting up a coffee subscription will save you from that labor. 

Let’s say you do like that stress or don’t feel it because stocking up your kitchen weekly; so, picking a coffee bag and other items isn’t much of a task. Your energy may not fail you, but your mind can! - You may forget to take that coffee bag until you get home. Worst yet, you may not remember until the instant you want a cup of Joe. 

We can go to talk about many other scenarios, but we believe that you get the point already. Opting for coffee subscriptions will ensure that your favorite beans get to your home, business, or office as frequently as you want them without worrying your body with driving to a store or your mind in storing trivial information. 

#3 Variety 

Interestingly, there could be many grocery stores close to you, but the variety of coffee in those stores is not as many as those from one coffee roaster. That’s because grocery stores only buy and sell commercial brands of coffee (it’s of higher risk to sell a product nobody knows). Most of the time, these commercial brands come from one supplier; however, opting for a subscription (that is, buying from coffee roasters) will expose you to other kinds of coffee and signature blends you may not find in grocery stores. 

For instance, Starbucks has over 50 different blends available. How many of these blends do you see in a grocery store? Newbeans have almost 100 blends available, but you can only find way less than half of that amount in any store. 

Overall, coffee beans subscription will expose you to numerous coffee blends you will not find in one store.


#4 Single-origin

Single-origin coffee means exactly how it sounds. It denotes that the beans come from one geographical region or country and could be harvested from the same farm or estate or multiple farms in the same country. It could also mean a blend of coffee from one country.

It isn’t very likely to get a single-origin coffee from a grocery store. Although many commercial brands in these stores can claim to be of single-origin, they are not in reality. That’s because single-origin is pretty vague. Coffee grown in different parts of a country can be called a single origin. More so, the producer only needs to add a small percentage of beans from that region to claim a single-origin status. Worse yet, there are no real rules for the labeling of coffee.

So, how can coffee subscriptions help you secure true single-origin beans? Most coffee subscription services allow you to sample coffees from different regions in the world and those grown in one region only- the true single-origin. 

#5 Value

Coffee subscription will save you many costs. First, it excuses you from the stress of driving and walking down to the nearest café. Also, it will make you spend less per cup. That’s because subscription removes the middleman and the coffee shop’s overheads. That will spare you the increase in price that comes along with these groups of people. 

Besides, most coffee subscriptions come with a price-off on the standard retail price. Although the percentage-off or price-off may look small, you would have saved a good deal of cash over time, especially if you are a regular drinker. Some coffee subscribers report savings of up to 15% by using a coffee subscription service. 

Another value you will get from a coffee subscription is education. Most coffee roasters who sell beans online have newsletters, blogs, and other online communities. In each of these platforms, they provide updates on new blends and additional useful information for coffee lovers. 

#6 Customization of the blend

If you have a specific preference on the quality of your blend, but one coffee bean type cannot provide you that choice, a coffee subscription is your bailout. 

Coffee roasters provide a tasting and profiling system that allows coffee lovers to identify and choose a blend of coffee based on specific attributes like aroma, body, acidity, and taste. Sadly, not all roasters provide this option, and some may require a minimum purchase amount to enjoy this benefit. 

#7 Reliability

When we say reliability, we aren’t looking at you. We recognize that you are a coffee aficionado and willing to go up to that coffee shop to get your elixir vitae; however, we don’t trust the coffee shop that much. They could unexpectedly close up early or roast fewer bags that week. Thus, leaving you unfueled.

A coffee subscription will ensure that you get a cup whenever you want to. Besides, many different coffee subscription services are desperate to keep every customer they get. So, you will be treated nicely and your orders promptly. 


What is a coffee subscription?

Coffee subscription is a service that allows customers to sample different types of coffee beans, roasts, and origin. Then, place an order on when and how frequently they want that coffee or a blend delivered to their doorstep.

What are the types of coffee subscriptions?

There are two types of coffee subscriptions- direct subscription and third-party subscriptions. In direct subscription, roasters handle the sale and delivery of their coffee; whereas, in the third-party type, coffee companies partner with small roasters to send you different coffee blends weekly or monthly.

What should you look for in a coffee subscription service?

●      Delivery time and frequency

●      Customer service

●      Price

●      Coffee blends available